Women’s Initiatives for Safer Environments

We work directly with individuals, diverse communities, and local government agencies, to create safer physical and social environments in our neighbourhoods, parks, workplaces, recreational pathways, and schools. We believe that if we make the community safer for women and other vulnerable groups, it will be safer for everyone!

Programs at WISE

WISE brings over 30 years of experience working in the area of gender-based violence – providing expertise in the area of community and personal safety. Check out any of our programs to address your concerns, about safety where you live, at home, at work, online or in dating relationships. Our programs are designed to meet your needs as they are empowering, inclusive, customizable, flexible, and truly tailored for you.

Group of womeni the park doing art

Give today


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Help offset transportation & childcare for women to attend workshops.


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Expansion of Heroes for Tomorrow Program for young boys


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supports empowering workshops such as Women on Wheels & building Women Up.


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Helps expand the WISE counselling program serving Survivors of violence.

Upcoming Events

WISE Paint Nite

April 11 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Annual General Meeting

May 1 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

The ClothesLine Project

May 24 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm